Notice of Plumbing Repair Requiring Shut Off of the Building-wide Water Main on February 1, 2022 from 10:00 AM - 12:00 noon
The Pilot House has a plumbing pipe and spigot that is in need of repair and replacement. Planet Plumbing will be on-site Tuesday morning to facilitate this repair. The building’s water main in the building will be shut off for approximately 2 hours. Specifically, the timing of this shut-off will be during the hours of 10:00 am and 12:00 noon on Tuesday, February 1, 2002. This means that all individual units will be without any running water for this period of time on Tuesday morning.
It is especially advisable that during this approximate two-hour period everyone discontinue the use of running water. This includes sinks, showers, washing machines, toilets, etc. Of particular importance are units that have tankless water heaters. Please be sure to turn off your tankless water heaters prior to 10:00 AM on Tuesday morning for added safety to your tankless water heater. This does not include regular water heaters.
The Board of Directors understands the inconvenience that this creates, but this maintenance of our plumbing systems is necessary to keep the system operating safely and properly. Ensuring your safety is a top priority of the Board of Directors.
If you have questions, please contact the Association Manager, David Baer, at 757 486-6000 or via email: